Friday 7 September 2012


By Coralie "Raia" Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy

We all use the word every day...we say I love you to friends, family, pets, in spiritual rites and rituals and on exchanges on forums and e-mails.

People say they love..something, someone, a pet and talk about being are loving relationships. Then when things fall apart they say they no longer love them anymore. So where does the love go? What happens to it and the energy within it?

I posted this discussion and wondered if anyone would be interested in sharing their views on love. Who do you love...why do you love...what does loving someone or being loved bring to your life? If you are not in a partnership with you still feel loved in other ways? If so, from where...or whom? Where does and how does love outwork for those who are spiritual paths?

What kinds of love are there in your view? We know there is romantic love...but what other types are there? Is the same essence of love there even if it takes different forms? This is a fascinating topic to least I think it about you?

I'll give you a little clue to my view of love. In my view love is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day. When David and I committed himself he said something very wise and it is: "Love is something people go through together." That certainly is true in our case.


By ~Coralie "Raia" Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy

Whenever we discuss religion and spirituality we ask of others what we ask of ourselves and say; We would appreciate it if you do not speak to me about your religion; first show it to me in how you treat other people. It does not impress me when you tell me how much you love God/Goddess. However, we will be inspired if we observe how your love for Source is reflected by how you love, respect and honor those you interact. everyone and everything else on the planet.

In our view everyone is a spark from the One Source so please don't preach to me about differences within faith and doctrine. Who you are and what you believe will be revealed to me when I witness what you say and DO. It is far more impactful to learn about you by observing your words and actions than to hear you preach and judge. If you have love, compassion and respect for differences then I will see you leading by example.

If your religious beliefs have a "your God is better than my God/Goddess" ideology we will respect your views but not necessarily subscribe to them. If you choose instead to listen with an open heart to ideologies other than your own you will have our attention and we may learn something from each other. If you respect differences and treat others as you would like to be treated it will reveal that you are a person who walks in a spirit of compassionate sight with an open loving heart. People with those qualities are always ones we like to meet.

So when all is said and done we're less interested in what you have you have to "tell or sell" and more intrigued by how you live, think, believe and act. live, If you truly are BE-ING the changes you want to see you will inspire us to do the same thing. As more of us strive to live and love with a respect for differences and equal rights the better this world will be.

Our motto is is to always "love more" because it is the one common thread within all the great religions and spiritual teachings. If we all did more of that we'd eventually be able to created common ground and resolve all our personal, political and social problems.


Altars have been created to worship God/Goddess in all religions. They are designed in many ways, but they all have an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. You can create your own personal altar to create a sacred place. It can be indoors or outdoors. Any location that makes you feel special, peaceful, or appreciative is the perfect spot for an altar. We create altars to represent parts of us and to bless the relationships we have with other people, nature, and Divine Spirit which lead us to wholeness.
To help create your altar, think of the following questions to find the intention or theme of your altar. •What am I thankful for?
•What gives me peace?
•What healing or blessing do I need?
•What inspires me?
•What is magical in my life?
•What makes me feel special?
•What in my life excites me and makes me feel alive? Jot down your answers and begin to sense what your altar will represent to you.

What do you place on your altar?
Anything you please! It may reflect your religious beliefs or choose objects that revolve around a theme such as peace or love. Altar objects are sacred because you consider them special such as family pictures or keepsakes. Be creative. Write a poem or letter to someone you love. You may want to honour your past, present, or future by writing on a paper write intentions, goals and dreams. Decorate a box and use it as a prayer box or affirmation box. Don't forget special occasions - birthdays, anniversaries, travel, mourning.
Here are some suggestions to represent the elements to increase our appreciation and our connection to nature: •Air: fans, flags, banners, feathers
•Water: fountains, bowls of water, seashells, or essential oils in water •Earth: gems, stones, crystals, potting soil, plants, flowers •Fire: candles, incense, pictures of flames, pictures of Sun
What to do at your altar?

Your altar evokes a certain state of mind whenever you look at it. You may create your own rituals by lighting a candle and saying a prayer. Honour your wholeness and connection with those you love. Your altar creates a wonderful sacred space to meditate. Play some soft music, chant or sing, or enjoy a quiet time while meditating by your altar. Meditation assists us to move into our inner sacred space to connect with our Divine Spirit. In the stillness of meditation, you can pray, ask for guidance, visualize how you would like your life to be, and feel a Divine presence loving and embracing you. In this sacred space you can “listen” and give thanks for your blessings and discover your life purpose.

Your altar will change and evolve as you transform and expand your spiritual awareness. It will bring you joy and peace and provide a sacred place where you can express your deepest thoughts and dreams. Enjoy creating your altars and a peaceful sacred space.
Jane Rosalea Booth, BA, CSW, Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Pray for guidance to make a fitting altar.
Pray and meditate before establishing your altar. Read from sacred literature, such as the Bible or another beloved text. Ask God or your idea of the divine to guide you as you create a space consecrated to the object of your faith.

Use cushions to sit before your altar.

Set a clean small table in a quiet room or corner of your home. Place a chair at a conventional table or arrange cushions in front of a low table like a coffee table no longer in use.


Angels aid us in our personal mission. We have to learn to listen, for if we block the angels out, they become only the fairy beings of dreams and pleasant stories." - Silver Ravenwolf

Angels have immense auras, extending in some cases, like a mountain Deva, for miles. The historical attribution of wings to angelics is probably the result of the subconscious minds of human seers "clothing" the auras of angels with a form that their conscious minds could comprehend. - David Goddard

When the Angels arrive, the devils leave. - Egyptian Proverb

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. - James Madison

I ... believe that angels, or something like them, sometimes live among us, hidden within our fellow human beings." - John Perry Barlow

Angels never attack, as infernal spirits do. Angels only ward off and defend." - Emanuel Swedenborg

Funny thing, every time an angel appeared to someone in the Bible, the first thing he'd say was, "Fear not." ... I guess they were pretty spectacular." - Gilbert Morris
Angels have no philosophy but love. - Adeline Cullen
I feel that there is an angel inside me whom I am constantly shocking. Jean Cocteau

Insight is better than eyesight when it comes to seeing an angel." Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

Angels are spiritual energy. Alexis F. Hope
Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth
Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep.
- John Milton, Paradise Lost

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." - Luciano de Crescenzo