Friday, 7 September 2012


By ~Coralie "Raia" Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy

Whenever we discuss religion and spirituality we ask of others what we ask of ourselves and say; We would appreciate it if you do not speak to me about your religion; first show it to me in how you treat other people. It does not impress me when you tell me how much you love God/Goddess. However, we will be inspired if we observe how your love for Source is reflected by how you love, respect and honor those you interact. everyone and everything else on the planet.

In our view everyone is a spark from the One Source so please don't preach to me about differences within faith and doctrine. Who you are and what you believe will be revealed to me when I witness what you say and DO. It is far more impactful to learn about you by observing your words and actions than to hear you preach and judge. If you have love, compassion and respect for differences then I will see you leading by example.

If your religious beliefs have a "your God is better than my God/Goddess" ideology we will respect your views but not necessarily subscribe to them. If you choose instead to listen with an open heart to ideologies other than your own you will have our attention and we may learn something from each other. If you respect differences and treat others as you would like to be treated it will reveal that you are a person who walks in a spirit of compassionate sight with an open loving heart. People with those qualities are always ones we like to meet.

So when all is said and done we're less interested in what you have you have to "tell or sell" and more intrigued by how you live, think, believe and act. live, If you truly are BE-ING the changes you want to see you will inspire us to do the same thing. As more of us strive to live and love with a respect for differences and equal rights the better this world will be.

Our motto is is to always "love more" because it is the one common thread within all the great religions and spiritual teachings. If we all did more of that we'd eventually be able to created common ground and resolve all our personal, political and social problems.

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