Friday, 7 September 2012


By Coralie "Raia" Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy

We all use the word every day...we say I love you to friends, family, pets, in spiritual rites and rituals and on exchanges on forums and e-mails.

People say they love..something, someone, a pet and talk about being are loving relationships. Then when things fall apart they say they no longer love them anymore. So where does the love go? What happens to it and the energy within it?

I posted this discussion and wondered if anyone would be interested in sharing their views on love. Who do you love...why do you love...what does loving someone or being loved bring to your life? If you are not in a partnership with you still feel loved in other ways? If so, from where...or whom? Where does and how does love outwork for those who are spiritual paths?

What kinds of love are there in your view? We know there is romantic love...but what other types are there? Is the same essence of love there even if it takes different forms? This is a fascinating topic to least I think it about you?

I'll give you a little clue to my view of love. In my view love is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day. When David and I committed himself he said something very wise and it is: "Love is something people go through together." That certainly is true in our case.

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